Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Spring Chicken

For nearly 2 months now I have been watching five little girls play in my back yard. Well, they’re hens actually, little more than chicks when they first arrived, and with very few ‘chicken’ skills to speak of. They were scared to death of me in the early days, constantly fell off the ladder leading to their roost (they still do this) and as for laying eggs.....forget it!

But in the last few weeks, I have seen some developments. The chooks are happy to see me when I arrive with food. They trust me now, and know when I open the door of my house, I am on my way to theirs. Knowing there is something yummy in hand they gather at the hen house door in anticipation. They’re also getting better at climbing the ladder now, although they still fall off like toddlers at the playground.

Best of all, one of my girls started making herself comfortable in the laying box this morning. She pulled at the straw bed and adjusted it this way and that, until finally satisfied and comfortable, she sat down. I left her there with great hopes, did the school run, and returned to what I have been waiting for all winter ...... my first egg. (Ok HER first egg!)

And what a fine day she picked to bless us with this gift. The first day of Spring!
It was not much of a surprise, given it was her first egg, that it was a smaller version of what I know she will be producing in the future. But the celebration in our home today was not for the size, but the gift itself. Our chicken did what she was designed to do. She fulfilled her God given purpose in life, in the appointed season. 
She went where she was meant to go, and did what she was meant to do. And she will get better at it each day. Naturally her ‘mama’ is thrilled. She may not have it in her to lay again tomorrow. She may need a rest, to gather her resources for the next egg, but she's on the road now, and there is no turning back. 

As a child of God I want to be like this little chicken. Drawn to where He wants me to be, and completing the tasks He has set aside for me. For his praise and glory.

1 Peter 4:10 & 11 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Just like my spring chickens, I hope through this blog, I will be able to ‘deliver a little egg’ each day or two. As the days go by, there may get bigger. Hopefully better. 
And I want the Lord to rejoice, just as I did this morning when I discovered one marvelous egg in the nest!