It's a great pleasure to welcome Jennifer Davids to Ink Dots this week. Jennifer has been writing down stories
since she got an A++ on her ninth grade creative writing assignment. She
resides in the U.S. in Central Ohio with her husband, two children and one
terribly fussy cat. A member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and a
graduate of The Ohio State University, she makes room to write in between being
a busy wife and mom.
Online Links
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Jennifer Says…
If I could explore
anywhere in the world tomorrow, it would be... First, thanks for having me
Dotti! The answer to that would be Great Britain. I’ve been over there twice
now and I so want to see more! The first time I went over I got to see
Highclere Castle where they film Downton Abbey and just this past summer my
kids and I got to go to the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff. I got to stand
next to David Tennant’s TARDIS! J I may write historical fiction but I love scifi too! You're very welcome, Jen. So great to have you visit. :)
The best thing I did
today is... Well, I do all my writing during the day and four nights a week I
work as an evening page at my local library. So writing books by day and taking
care of them by night = best day ever! Oh wow... what's a library evening page? I've never heard of one...
A secret pleasure of
mine is... There’s an ice cream shop near one of the libraries I frequent.
Sometimes when I’m by myself dropping off a book or picking one up, I get an
ice cream cone. And I don’t tell my husband or kids I got ice cream without
them. So SHHHH don’t tell anyone! ;) I'm not telling. I promise.

When I was a child I
dreamed I would... Be an actress. However when I got a little older, that
changed to being an author so I guess I am living my childhood dream.
I probably shouldn’t
tell you this, but... I didn’t like to read when I was little. My teachers told
my mom I needed to read more so, wise woman that she is, my mom took me to the
library and we found a book that made me fall in love with reading: Eddie and
Gardenia by Carolyn Haywood. What a cute story. Love it, Jen. Thanks so much for being my guest and I wish you every success with Buckeye Dreams.
For a chance to win a copy of Buckeye Dreams, tell us about the first book you read that made you fall in love with reading. (Great question, Jen ~ thanks so much for suggesting it.) Leave your answer in the comments below and I'll announce the winner next Monday.
Good luck and happy reading,