It's my pleasure to welcome Judith Miller to Ink Dots this week. Although born and reared in a small suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Judy moved to Kansas at the age of seventeen and has considered the sunflower state ‘home’ ever since. Judy writes historical romantic fiction and enjoys finding unique settings for her stories.
Writing Christian fiction is Judy’s second career. For many years she worked as a legal assistant in law firms and later worked in government law offices. She has retired from legal work in order to write fulltime —a vocation she considers both a ministry and a blessing.
She currently lives in Topeka, Kansas, and, in addition to her writing, enjoys reading, traveling, researching history, and Bible study.

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Judith Says...
If I could explore anywhere in the world tomorrow... I would choose Pullman, Illinois during the early 1890’s. I set a series of books in that location and although I’ve visited there many times while researching my series and for other events, I truly would have liked to have been a “fly on the wall” from the time the community was constructed until the railroad strike that brought this country to its knees and required presidential intervention. And for readers here in the U.S., the first book in that series, In the Company of Secrets, is currently a free e-book at most sites, such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Please know that it is a continuing series of three books so there are still questions to be answered at the end of book one, but the series contains some truly fascinating history, a great love story, and a touch of mystery. However, if I told you a current locale I’d like to explore it would be a return to Europe on a River Cruise. I think it would be great fun to explore numerous cities and not have to change hotels and unpack at every new locale. Oh, that's one of my holiday dreams too! :)
If I could explore anywhere in the world tomorrow... I would choose Pullman, Illinois during the early 1890’s. I set a series of books in that location and although I’ve visited there many times while researching my series and for other events, I truly would have liked to have been a “fly on the wall” from the time the community was constructed until the railroad strike that brought this country to its knees and required presidential intervention. And for readers here in the U.S., the first book in that series, In the Company of Secrets, is currently a free e-book at most sites, such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Please know that it is a continuing series of three books so there are still questions to be answered at the end of book one, but the series contains some truly fascinating history, a great love story, and a touch of mystery. However, if I told you a current locale I’d like to explore it would be a return to Europe on a River Cruise. I think it would be great fun to explore numerous cities and not have to change hotels and unpack at every new locale. Oh, that's one of my holiday dreams too! :)
The best thing I did today is... Kiss my baby granddaughter. I’m sure all the other grandmothers know exactly what I’m talking about. There’s nothing more delightful than a slobbery kiss from a grandchild. Nawww... what a sweet answer. :)
I wish I could relive the day when I... It was really more than a day, but I’d like to relive a road trip that my husband and I made to Florida for the Christian Booksellers Association annual meeting years ago. Along the way, we stopped so I could complete research in Mississippi and Louisiana. We had such fun as we explored unexpected sites along the way, and met some truly interesting people.
When I was a child I dreamed I would... Become a ballerina, which causes me to laugh out loud as I type those words. However, to my mother’s credit, she paid for ballet classes where I soon learned it wasn’t going to be my life’s calling. I participated in one recital where the dancing teacher made certain I was at the back of the stage and my lacking efforts wouldn’t be seen by all.
I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but... I’m an introvert who has had to work VERY HARD to overcome shaking like a leaf when I get in front of groups to make presentations. After years of speaking to various groups about my writing, the fear has diminished, but speaking still isn’t my favorite thing. I much prefer sitting at the computer making up stories. Thanks for visiting Ink Dots this week, Judith. I wish you every success with The Brickmaker's Bride.
Judith has generously offered two copies of The Brickmaker’s Bride for 2 lucky Ink Dots winners. To be in the draw, tell us who you'd like to take with you on for a long weekend away. Judith loved her brainstorming weekend with other authors and I also know how much fun those trips can be.
How about you? Who's your choice for a long weekend holiday?
I'll announce the winner next Monday.
Good luck and happy reading,