And this is the month for apples. So with a bench-top littered with fruit, I set about creating a quick apple treat ~ in and out of the oven in less than an hour. If you're feeding men, as I do... there's nothing better than a hot apple anything.
Apple Bumble ~ Crabapple House |
This week, we're enjoying Apple Bumble. Named in honour of the bumbling which occurred when I combined the best of apple crumble and the base of a brownie mixture (without the chocolate), messed with it a little, waited for more eggs to arrive when my hens' supply was low... and ended up with a new and favourite delight.
Apple Bumble ~ Crabapple House |
Apple Bumble
Preheat oven to 180C (medium oven, where you'd normally bake a cake)
2 cups SR flour
2 cups sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cloves
1 cup melted butter
Mix well and let this crumbly base sit while you peel, core and slice 5 apples. Set your apples aside and beat up 4 eggs. Add to crumble mixture. This will make your base a little runnier but it will be thick.
Apple Bumble ~ Crabapple House |
And there you have it. Apple Bumble. Be lavish in your addition of powered sugar once it's out of the oven. The best way to remember anyone's grandma who cooked with apples, cinnamon and cloves.
What's your favourite apple treat? Are you a fan of cinnamon and cloves?
Blessings for a wonderful weekend,