I'm welcoming Mary Ellis to Ink Dots, today. Mary's begun the year in spectacular fashion, releasing The Quaker And The Rebel on January 1. Congratulations, Mary!
Mary's written ten bestselling novels set in the Amish community. Before "retiring" to write full-time, Mary taught school and worked as a sales rep for Hershey Chocolate. An Amish Miracle, a collection of novellas, released in December from Harper Collins. She is currently working on a three-book series of historical romances set during the Civil War.
Mary Ellis is the bestselling author of many books, including A Widow's Hope and A Little Bit of Charm. She is an active member of the local historical society and Civil War Roundtable, where she served as secretary for several years. She has enjoyed a lifelong passion for American history.

Alexander Hunt, the doctor’s handsome nephew, does not deny a growing attraction to his uncle’s newest employee. But he cannot take time to pursue Emily, for Alexander isn’t what he seems—rich, spoiled, and indolent. He has a secret identity. He is the elusive Gray Wraith, a fearless man who fights the war from the shadows, stealing Union supplies and diverting them to the Southern cause.
The path before Alexander and Emily is complicated. The war brings betrayal, entrapment, and danger. Amid their growing feelings for each other, can they trust God with the challenges they face to provide them with a bright future?
Mary Ellis is the bestselling author of many books, including A Widow's Hope and A Little Bit of Charm. She is an active member of the local historical society and Civil War Roundtable, where she served as secretary for several years. She has enjoyed a lifelong passion for American history.
Mary says... Thanks so much for inviting me to Ink Dots blog.
What fun to "appear" in Australia! It's my pleasure, Mary. Welcome.
If I could explore anywhere in the world tomorrow, it would be...
I suppose it would be Europe first since I've never been there and I love history. So many romantic castles and charming country inns. But since I can't speak any language other than English, perhaps I should come to Australia and search out your oldest cities and villages. Traveling without being able to communicate might not be much fun. You'd find some beautiful early homes and buildings in Tasmania where our penal colony settled. I've never been to Tasmania, but it's on my bucket list, too.
The best thing I did today is... As soon as I finish this interview I am meeting an old college chum for lunch and a movie. I don't care what we see as long as we catch up on news and relax. This past year had been hectic-busy for me, so I made a new year's resolution to spend more time doing things that I enjoy besides writing.

I wish I could relive the day when I... married my college sweetheart, who's still my husband of many years. We were both so nervous; the day was blisteringly hot; and everything that could go wrong did. It all went by in a complete blur. I would love to relive the day so could enjoy myself, now that I know how life will turn out.
When I was a child I dreamed I would... become a mother of many children. But that never came to be, so I taught school for many years. Now that I write books for a living, I "adopt" everyone I meet who's younger than me by a generation. And yes, I freely give out advice to those who stick around long enough to listen. I love it that you share your mother's heart with those around you, Mary. There's always someone who needs a kind and wise word of counsel.
I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but...Writing books is the best job a woman can have. And the reason I shouldn't tell you is because I don't want everyone in the world to switch over to my chosen career. I truly wished I would have started writing books when I was younger. Too late. Lots of us have 'switched' too! Sorry, wink!
Thanks so much for inviting me to your blog.
and I hope you readers will look for me on the web at:
Thanks for joining us, Mary. If you'd like the chance to win a copy of Mary's The Quaker and The Rebel, leave a comment below. Tell us what you like to snack on when you watch a sappy movie. Mary loves popcorn. I love a good coffee. How about you? I'll announce the winner on Friday.
Good luck and happy reading,