Last year at the ACFW conference I met the beautiful Susan Diane Johnson, and it's my pleasure to welcome her to Ink Dots this week. Susan's the author of two contemporary novels, True North, and No Substitute. Her first historical novel, Sweet Mountain Music, will be available in May. Susan is a regular contributor to the Inkwell Inspirations blog, a group blog by Christian woman and for Christian women. She is also member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, and National Cancer Registrars’ Association. During the day, Susan is a cancer registrar at her local hospital and lives in northwest Washington with her husband and their naughty little cat. They are the parents of a wonderful grown son, and hope to one day become grandparents. You can contact Susan through her website (below), or at
True North

As Lisa tries to get through to Joe, she realizes God has been trying to get through to her.
If I could explore anywhere in the world tomorrow, it would be…Oh, Dotti, do I have to choose? I’m so torn because there’re so many places I would like to go. I wish I could go somewhere every month. I’ll try to narrow it down.
- I would like to ride a burro down the Grand Canyon.
- I would like to bicycle through the South of France (and of course see the Eiffel Tower on my way to Provence).
- I would like to go to Japan. I lived there when I was little, and I’d dearly love to go back and revisit some of the places that stand out in my mind.
The best thing I did today is…Well, I haven’t eaten any chocolate yet, so I can’t count that. But I’m sure I’ll manage to find some at some point today. ;) So, since I haven’t, I’m listening to 70s music while I work, with a little bit of the 50s thrown in to mix things up.
A secret pleasure of mine is……animated films. I watched Dumbo yesterday. And yes, I cried when Dumbo visited his mother in jail and she sang to him and then watched him leave. I knew it was coming, knew I would cry, and sure enough, I did. Oh, goodness. Here I am getting all teary-eyed again. You're making me tear up now, Suzie. Animated films are dear favourites in this home, too.
When I was a child I dreamed I would...float around London with my umbrella, like Mary Poppins.
I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but…I’m super shy and introverted. I’m petrified and tongue-tied when I get around more than three or four people at a time…even if I know them all.
Thank you for having me, Dotti. I would like to give a copy of True North to one of your visitors today. Thanks for visiting with us, Suzie and for your book offer.
If you'd like to join Lisa and Jo on their Alaskan cruise, leave a comment below. One lucky Ink Dots friend will win Suzie's book.
Tell us which animated film is your favourite, or which one you can't watch anymore because it makes you cry too much.
I can't watch Disney's Tarzan. The song where the mama gorilla sings You'll be in my heart, is my undoing.
How about you? What's your favourite animated film? Which one tips you over? The winner will be announced on Friday.
Good luck and happy reading,