It’s a pleasure to welcome fellow Aussie and award-winning author, Paula Vince to Ink Dots this week. Paula loves to evoke tears and laughter through her novels. A wife and homeschooling mother of three, she resides in the beautiful Adelaide Hills of South Australia. Her youth was brightened by great fiction and she’s on a mission to pay it forward.
Her novel, Picking up the Pieces, won the religious fiction section of the 2011 International Book Awards. Best Forgotten, was winner of the 2011 CALEB Award in the fiction category and also recognized as the best overall entry for the year, chosen over memoirs, devotionals and general non-fiction. Paula’s books are a skillful blend of drama and romance tied together with elements of mystery and suspense.
Paula is the author of Picking up the Pieces, The Risky Way Home, A Design of Gold and Best Forgotten. Her new novel, Imogen’s Chance, will be published in April, 2014. Paula is also one of the four authors of The Greenfield Legacy.
Find out more at

Imogen Browne longs to make up for past mistakes before she can move on. She quietly resolves to help the Dorazio family, whose lives she accidentally upset. Her biggest challenge is Asher, the one person who may never forgive her. And he is facing a crisis of his own. Imogen must tread very carefully, as trying to fix things may well make them shatter.
A sensitive story about misplaced loyalty, celebrating life and falling in love. Can family secrets concealed with the best intentions bear the light of day?
Paula Say...
If I could explore anywhere in the world, it would be… a tour of the world’s most sacred sites. What a fascinating pilgrimage that would be. And it’s a good way to cover every continent of the world in one answer. That’s quite some wish list, Paula. I love how you swept the world in a few well planned steps.
The best thing I did today was… answer these questions, so far. It’s still fairly early. Later this afternoon, I intend to go for a hike with my nine-year-old son. I love that our ‘conversation’ is the best thing you’ve done. I would guess hiking with your son beat it, though. :)
A Secret Pleasure of mine is… thinking of new scenes for novels I’ve finished reading and enjoyed. That itself is not the secret, as I’ve shared it before. Rather, the content of the daydreams themselves are secret. Many authors may be surprised to find out the things I have their characters saying and doing in my head next.
I wish I could relive the day when I… woke up after my wedding night and embarked on the adventure of marriage. I’m not sure I handled some of the challenges of managing finances and raising a family as well as I could have, yet it all turned out to be great. I’d love the chance to live those years again, in hindsight. Wow... Paula that’s one of the best answers I’ve had so far. Many authors wish they could relive their wedding day, and for good reason, but you’ve put a different slant on that by revisiting the morning after. What a sweet moment in a marriage. First morning. First day. No wonder you’re a writer!

I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but… part of writing Imogen’s Chance was to help me work through some of my own issues. Throughout my life, I’ve struggled with the concept of trusting God in all things. Writing this novel was therapeutic and helped change my own outlook. I’ve had similar experience with writing myself. There’s always a big chuck of what God is doing on our lives, in the pages of our stories. There’s a travel the world theme happening here, Paula. You’re determined to globe-trot one way or another, aren't’ you?
Thanks so much for visiting with us, Paula. I wish you wonderful success with Imogen’s Chance.
Ink Dots Friends ~ Paula’s offering a copy of Imogen’s Chance for one lucky winner. To be in the draw, please leave a comment below. Tell us how you would like to travel the world if you had the chance. As a photographer, journalist, tourist...?
I’d like to travel the world in the company of my Beloved who already hops from one country to another for work. I’d be happy to follow him through Asia, (where he is right now) and tuck myself into a quiet corner of each hotel, near the coffee barrista, and write until my Beloved returns. (Having done this before, I can vouch for the author thrill. It never gets old)
How about you? Share your world travel dreams and I'll announce the winner in the comment thread on Friday.
Good luck and happy reading,