Go Geocaching
My author date this week doesn't sound very Ink Dots. And by that I mean nothing olde worlde and in keeping with the pretty ink bottle picture you see in my header.
But when I delved into Geocaching I discovered it's a fancy word for what my characters would know as treasure hunting.
Where I would search, find and take something hidden and left for me to discover by someone else.
Soon as I knew this, I was off.
Compass in hand (ok, it was my brother with his phone, GPS and geocaching app) we scoured a local Melbourne park and walking tracks for three hidden treasure troves.
Geocaching pairs our natural inclination to sift through clues and sort puzzles with the latest technology. This is no dirty map we followed. We relied on at least 8 different satellites to guide us through parkland and scrubland until we reached ground zero.
At ground zero, our device told us we were 10 metres from the object of our hunt. This meant it was time to use the resources we were born with. Our eyes and intuition.
When your clue is Tall Timber, you know you're going to look under the branches of a tree. And that's exactly where we found our first catch, a cylinder tied to low branches, with just enough room to hold a slim notebook and pencil. The pleasure of locating this tiny find fell on me, and let me confess I hollered when I found my prize. After a decent walk, following instructions, mulling over the clue and then pinpointing the location, the thrill didn't disappoint.
We added our names to the log book and carried on to the second set of co-ordinates. After some time we found a green container filled with trinkets under a fallen log. I'm imaging a good number of young families have visited before us. We added a silver elephant token to mark our stop in exchange for the memento I took home, a little hen.
The third find was almost off a slope and nearly had me skidding towards the Yarra River below. Our clue was flower pot, and after some searching we discovered the upturned hidey hole of the third geocache.
More thrills. More discoveries.
More unearthing hidden secrets.
Why would this help me as an author?
Because I can't afford to forget the excitement of solving my novel is what keeps my reader with me.
"Whilst most obvious for a crime novel or thriller, all writers must ration the information they provide to their readers, and think carefully about the order and pace of each new revelation." 52 Dates For Writers.
All readers deserve to take something from the books they read.
Good writers aim to leave a trail to the treasure.
What's the last treasure trail you've followed/read? Did you holler when you found the secrets laid out for you?
Blessings for a wonderful weekend,
My author date this week doesn't sound very Ink Dots. And by that I mean nothing olde worlde and in keeping with the pretty ink bottle picture you see in my header.
But when I delved into Geocaching I discovered it's a fancy word for what my characters would know as treasure hunting.
Where I would search, find and take something hidden and left for me to discover by someone else.
Compass in hand (ok, it was my brother with his phone, GPS and geocaching app) we scoured a local Melbourne park and walking tracks for three hidden treasure troves.
At ground zero, our device told us we were 10 metres from the object of our hunt. This meant it was time to use the resources we were born with. Our eyes and intuition.
When your clue is Tall Timber, you know you're going to look under the branches of a tree. And that's exactly where we found our first catch, a cylinder tied to low branches, with just enough room to hold a slim notebook and pencil. The pleasure of locating this tiny find fell on me, and let me confess I hollered when I found my prize. After a decent walk, following instructions, mulling over the clue and then pinpointing the location, the thrill didn't disappoint.
The third find was almost off a slope and nearly had me skidding towards the Yarra River below. Our clue was flower pot, and after some searching we discovered the upturned hidey hole of the third geocache.
More thrills. More discoveries.
More unearthing hidden secrets.
Why would this help me as an author?
Because I can't afford to forget the excitement of solving my novel is what keeps my reader with me.
"Whilst most obvious for a crime novel or thriller, all writers must ration the information they provide to their readers, and think carefully about the order and pace of each new revelation." 52 Dates For Writers.
All readers deserve to take something from the books they read.
Good writers aim to leave a trail to the treasure.
What's the last treasure trail you've followed/read? Did you holler when you found the secrets laid out for you?
Blessings for a wonderful weekend,