It's always fun to welcome Mary Connealy to Ink Dots. This time we're celebrating her latest release, Tried and True.
Mary writes romantic comedy with cowboys. She is a Carol Award winner, and a Rita, Christy and Inspirational Reader's Choice finalist. She is the bestselling author of the Wild at Heart series which recently began with book #1 Tried & True. Mary is married to a Nebraska rancher and has four grown daughters, and three spectacular grandchildren.
Saddle up for a wildly fun ride with the Wilde sisters!
Kylie Wilde is the youngest sister--and the most civilized. Her older sisters might be happy dressing in trousers and posing as men, but Kylie has grown her hair long and wears skirts every chance she gets. It's a risk--they are homesteading using the special exemptions they earned serving in the Civil War as "boys"--but Kylie plans to make the most of the years before she can sell her property and return to the luxuries of life back East.
Local land agent Aaron Masterson is fascinated with Kylie from the moment her long hair falls from her cap. But now that he knows her secret, can he in good conscience defraud the U.S. government? And when someone tries to force Kylie off her land, does he have any hope of convincing her that marrying him and settling on the frontier is the better option for her future?
Find Mary online at">Seekerville">Petticoats & Pistols">My Blog">My Website">My Newsletter
Mary Says...
If I could eat anywhere in the world tomorrow, it would be... I’m going to say a town not a restaurant because I have a daughter who lives in Baltimore, Maryland and I would just love to have lunch with her. I saw her not that long ago but I miss her while she’s there in college and lunch with her would be fantastic. I don’t care if we eat fast food in the car (thought I hope we can do better than that!) Naww... I hope you get to share a meal with your girl very soon.
The most unusual job I've ever had is... OH! MY! GOSH! Dorothy, I once for a summer job worked in a factory that made the back end of grain trucks. You know semi-trailers. HUGE things. I’d come home every day so hot, soaked in sweat, covered in grease. BUT THAT WASN’T THE BAD PART! (I’ll insert here that it actually paid quite well and I needed the money for college). They didn’t let me work on the line in a permanent position because I was only there for the summer. But I filled in on all these massive iron bending machines and with power tools for people on vacation and I always mowed this huge lawn on a great big mower. AND (here’s the bad part) they also let me paint the employee lunch room. Part of that was, they had one of those ceilings with big tiles, you know the kind where the tiles are set in a metal grid? Well, some genius decided it would be COOL if the tiles were white and the grid was black. Also the tiles needed to be coated with something from down in the factory before I could paint them because they absorbed too much paint. So I had to stand on a ladder and lift each and every one of those tiles (about 2 feet by 3 feet) out of the grid, carry it down, move the ladder and climb up to get the next one and there was this pink insulation above the tiles in the ceiling and for some reason that must trap mice? SO WHEN I’D LIFT A TILE OUT DEAD MICE WOULD RAIN DOWN ON MY HEAD.
I was already afraid of mice and this was like my own private nightmare come to life.

My gosh it was 40 years ago and I’m hyperventilating as I type. I would like to add here I DID IT! I did NOT quit. Ok, now... YOU WIN. For the longest answer EVER.. and by far THE MOST revolting. And for the greatest courage ever displayed in a casual worker. I'm so glad they paid you well!
My all-time favourite movie is...While You Were Sleeping with Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman. I love it so much and it’s a Christmas movie so I try and watch it every year at Christmas.
I can't wait for the calendar to flip over to… SEPTEMBER (hey, it already did). The ACFW conference is in September and I see people there I love that I only see once a year. It’s coming! I can’t wait! I'm so sorry I won't see you at the ACFW conference this year. Was fun catching up in San Antonio, though. :)
When I was a child I most feared... mice. No contest. Though I had seven brothers and sisters in an old country farmhouse and I used to lay awake at night and worry about fire. I’d plan and plan and plan how I’d get everyone out. I was an insomniac with an over active imagination even back then. Fire AND mice... the stuff of nightmares!
If I had a pet kangaroo, I'd name it...Well, we had an Australian shepherd dog for years, what a great dog he was. And we named him Dingo. So I think in that spirit, I’ll name the kangaroo, Aussie. This is also the kind of shampoo I use. Aussie. So it’s like my whole existence yearns for Australia. I’ve also named three bad guys in my books Sidney. I didn’t realize it until someone pointed it out. So that’s almost Sydney, Australia, right? That's pretty cute. You love us!! (We love you, too.) Thanks so much for being my guest this week and sharing more of your funny/terrifying stories. Wishing you every success with Tried and True.
If you'd like to win a signed copy of Mary's Tried and True, leave a comment below. Tell us which creepy crawly, rodent, vermin you hate the most. And why...
I can't wait to read your answers and I'll announce the winner here on Friday.
And don't forget to join the facebook chat for the launch of Tried and True. Lots of prizes, lots of fun. Get all the details and click to join the party here:
Good luck and happy reading,