Monday, July 19, 2010

 Happy Tears and Crumbs

I am one of those mums who cries at every assembly and presentation at my kids' school. I cry when I watch the Qantas commercial where the Australian Children's Choir sings 'I Still Call Australia Home.' And I cry every Sunday during the worship time at church. Many times I cry because my heart is sad. Other times, I assure my family everything is ok, and my tears are just the overflow of joy.

This weekend I found myself wiping away a few more 'happy tears.' They spilled over when I received a heartwarming message from a sweet friend who's been reading my blog. Last week, after sharing my 'afternoon tea' post with her ministry team she sent me the following letter.

So you know I manage a house where children who have been removed from their families live...? This week at my staff meeting with the people who are on the floor everyday fetching and carrying for these kiddies, I took along your blog about afternoon tea and brought up an idea that we too could possibly facilitate this experience. We've all decided that this touch of home (that most of us were never lucky enough to experience) could be a beautiful time for our children. So now on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the time allocated to mopping has been allocated to a staff member to bake! Today, one of our children had their first scone with jam and cream. The smells and sounds coming into the office from the house was like laying on the grass on a summer day - bliss. Thank you for making my job even more of a joy - my staff are thrilled and the kids will truly benefit. Many blessings.

What an honor God allowed, for me to play a tiny part in the memories these children will tuck into their hearts. I never imagined when I wrote my simple post on the pleasures of afternoon tea, that in one household the mops would be set aside in favour of mixing bowls.  I'm thrilled to know a new afternoon tea tradition is born for these wonderful carers and their happy kids. They will never be sorry the floors were not washed on a Monday afternoon, but they will love it that a few scone crumbs dotted the table top. 

For those who have asked, here is a scone recipe you may like to play with. You never know, God may have plans for you to share it with someone too.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  Matthew 19:14