Monday, July 05, 2010


Giving and Receiving

It's a thrill when people want to play your games. Facebook Friday has brought out the competitiveness in a few of my dear FB friends and I've watched in fascination as they've challenged each other and jousted for the win.

Today I need to give a special award to Evan, who played the game like a true gentlemen this last week. When he offered to sweeten things and increase his chances with the gift of an apple per day, his opponents scoffed at his attempts. Even when I tried to make it nearly impossible by suggesting only London Pippin Apples would do, he was not deterred. Somehow he found the closest variety available in Melbourne, the Cox Orange Pippin and arrived at church yesterday morning with a box of these delicious apples. That folks, it dedication. Evan and his beautiful wife have been attending a church closer to home lately, but I suspect bringing their gorgeous new baby back for a visit had something to do with it too.

In honor of his efforts, Evan becomes the first Pomaceous Duel winner, named after his FB status of last week. Close runners up are Grant and Susan, who have been relentless in their own pursuits of victory.

Guys, you are tenacious and I never want to go against you in anything.

While we are giving and receiving, I want to extend a very special welcome to my 100th blog follower, Linda from the UK who writes Days Touched By Grace. Linda will receive a little box of something in appreciation from me... because I have learned afresh that old lesson that it really is better to give than to receive.  Thanks to Facebook and Ink Dots, each time I reach out to share with someone, the real blessing is mine.