No Walk Today
I was challenged this week, to think about the ways God shepherds us when I heard someone refer to Him as the one who 'hems us in.'
God is everywhere. He knows everything and in His providence, cares enough to not only open doors, but close them when it's in our best interest to stay put.
Like the girl in this painting, I may have my best walking jacket on but if God chooses to hem me in, inside is where I must remain.
Disappointment is only fleeting, when we consider He knows best. This is the same God who wove me together in my mother's womb. My frame is never hidden from Him and He knows my heart and deepest thoughts.
He may hem me in today, but that's where I need to be. That's where I want to be, fashioned for whatever he plans next.
You scrutinise my path
And are intimately acquainted with my all my ways
Even before there was a word on my tongue
Behold O Lord you knew it all.
You have hemmed me in, from behind and before
And laid your hand upon me
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me.
Psalm 139:3-5