Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Jalana Franklin

Jalana Franklin is my dearest writing sister and critique partner. Not only an inspired writer, Jalana's a beautiful musician, a devoted mother and wife, and a gifted artist. 

I had the privilege of bunking with Jalana at the ACFW conference a few years ago, but we'd become firm friends even before that. Sharing a room gave me the chance to learn how to talk like her kin... the good people of Tennessee. And boy did I have fun learning how to chop and twirl my words like the best of them. Her accent is amazing!!

Jalana's featured this week on Lena Nelson Dooley's blogI thought my Ink Dots friends might like to see what Jalana's up to and the exquisite prize she and Lena are offering one lucky visitor. 

Me? Well, I'm already blessed. A good number of gift-parcels have crossed the Pacific between us and my writing room holds many of Jalana's handmade charms. From jewellery to paintings, I cherish every piece she's made and shared with me. 

But now it could be your turn. Go on... Have a look. :-)