It's been a week of sleeping and reading.
I can now tick off a severe pre-winter cold and worst migraine of the year. And I shall look ahead to a new week of greater productivity, confident I've had my share of the sick-bed. That's the plan, anyway. If you have any influence, anywhere...please inform the germs they've been here and done their damage. They are free to find another home.
Thanks to my beautiful family, meals and chores have not been left undone. And thanks to Siri Mitchell's recent release, The Messenger, I've put a delicious dent in my birthday stash of books.
Reading has shortened these miserable days. Together with hot drinks and quilted covers, I've nestled more than I expected. Lost myself in a tale of secrets, faith and love. Abandoned myself to a world I will never taste for real.
And I want to go back there. As I am in the grip of a story I don't want to leave just yet.
Don't you love it when a story does that to you? Takes hold and wrestles all else from the hours until it takes you to that final page.
I'm sure the winner of this week's book giveaway will feel the same when they receive a copy of Lena Nelson Dooley's Maggie's Journey. And that lucky winner is Alissa Buda. Congratulations Alissa! May you too slip into a world you do not wish to say goodbye to, so soon.
How about you? Have you read a book you did not wish to end? What makes us want to stay in the folds of a well crafted story? I hope you have one such book tucked away for this weekend.
Be blessed, and enjoy the escape.
(photo source - the murmuring cottage)